"No one is too old or set in their ways to achieve what they desire. Or to become the person they envision. Everyone can create their own inspired greatness. Everyone deserves to be in a better place. I truly believe people are so busy chasing happiness and shiny things that they don't always realize what they are really looking for is themselves. To feel alive is just a bonus."                                                                                                  -Shannon Schroth | Holistic Coach & Published Author


Our mission is simple, Empower career-driven professionals to achieve a life of fulfillment withOUT sacrificing their career. 


This means that we help career-driven professionals to transform their lives by achieving harmony, overcoming loneliness, strengthening relationships, and finding fulfillment, through holistic coaching that nurtures their mind, body, and spirit.


To create a world where overachievers and workaholics lead harmonious lives, experiencing deep connections, personal joy, and professional success without sacrificing their well-being, ultimately becoming their most authentic and fulfilled selves.

Core Values

  1. Harmony: We believe in the power of harmonizing professional ambitions with personal well-being, recognizing that true success encompasses all facets of life.

  2. Connection: We value deep, meaningful relationships and work to foster connections that enrich our clients' personal and professional lives.

  3. Integrity: We operate with honesty and transparency, ensuring that our coaching practices align with the highest ethical standards.

  4. Growth: We are committed to continuous personal and professional growth, encouraging our clients to embrace change and strive for self-improvement.

  5. Empowerment: We empower our clients to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and pursue their dreams with confidence.

  6. Compassion: We approach each client with empathy and understanding, providing a supportive environment where they feel heard and valued.

  7. Holistic Well-Being: We advocate for a holistic approach to well-being, addressing the mind, body, and spirit to achieve overall fulfillment.

  8. Authenticity: We champion authenticity, encouraging our clients to embrace their true selves and live in alignment with their core values.

  9. Purpose: We guide our clients in discovering and pursuing their life purpose, ensuring their career and personal endeavors bring them joy and satisfaction.

Our Roots

Our Intriguing Logo

Ever noticed the intricate Celtic symbol in our logo? It's more than just a nod to Shannon's Irish heritage - it's a reminder of the resilience, strength, and enduring spirit of those who've come before us. Like the intricate knots of Celtic design, life's journey may be complex and intertwined, but within the twists and turns lies beauty, tradition, and a timeless connection to our roots.

Feel like yourself, be you, living the life you truly love - now that's the dream, isn't  it? At Spectacular Living LLC, we're all about making that dream a reality. Picture this: a nonjudgmental, safe haven where you can explore, grow, and unleash your full potential. We're here to empower individuals like you who crave abundant fulfillment in every aspect of your life.


But we're not just about wishful thinking. We're all about action. With our arsenal of strategies, tools, and techniques, we bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Whether it's crushing personal goals, reigniting your passion, or finding purpose in every step, we've got your back. 


At Spectacular Living LLC, it's not just about talk; it's about transformation. We're in the business of turning dreams into reality, goals into achievements, and obstacles into stepping stones. Join us on this journey of growth, success, and spectacular living. Together, let's make every moment count and create a life that's truly worth celebrating.